Yi Chen, Ziying Fan, Xiaomin Gu, and Li-An Zhou. 2020. “Replication Data for: Arrival of Young Talent: The Send-Down Movement and Rural Education in China.” American Economic Association[publisher], Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]. https://doi.org/10.3886/E119690V1
Standard cohort DID估计
。. reghdfe yedu c.sdy_density#c.treat male han_ethn if rural==1, absorb(region1990 prov#year_birth c.primary_base#year_birth c.junior_base#year_birth) cluster(region1990)
(MWFE estimator converged in 14 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 2,775,858
Absorbing 4 HDFE groups F( 3, 1767) = 1462.40
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.2934
Adj R-squared = 0.2928
Within R-sq. = 0.1018
Number of clusters (region1990) = 1,768 Root MSE = 2.7831
(Std. Err. adjusted for 1,768 clusters in region1990)
| Robust
yedu | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
c.sdy_density#c.treat | 3.237091 .7011438 4.62 0.000 1.861933 4.61225
male | 1.874483 .028378 66.05 0.000 1.818825 1.93014
han_ethn | .1500992 .0565311 2.66 0.008 .0392243 .2609742
_cons | 5.436428 .0551559 98.56 0.000 5.32825 5.544606
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
region1990 | 1768 1768 0 *|
prov#year_birth | 624 0 624 |
year_birth#c.primary_base | 24 0 24 ?|
year_birth#c.junior_base | 24 0 24 ?|
? = number of redundant parameters may be higher
* = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation
命令,可以看出交互项的系数是3.237091,这与原文报告的估计结果是一致的。其他列的估计方式都是类似的,只需更换一下数据或者是被解释变量即可。Reduced-Form cohort DID估计
forvalues y = 1946/1969 {
gen I`y' = sdy_density*[year_birth==`y']
. reghdfe yedu I1946-I1969 male han_ethn if rural==1, absorb(region1990 prov#year_birth c.primary_base_older#year_birth c.junior_base_older#year_birth) cluster(region1990)
(MWFE estimator converged in 14 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 3,082,370
Absorbing 4 HDFE groups F( 26, 1761) = 197.11
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.3101
Adj R-squared = 0.3095
Within R-sq. = 0.1062
Number of clusters (region1990) = 1,762 Root MSE = 2.8137
(Std. Err. adjusted for 1,762 clusters in region1990)
| Robust
yedu | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
I1946 | 1.66256 .7684583 2.16 0.031 .1553734 3.169747
I1947 | -.0350028 .7205034 -0.05 0.961 -1.448135 1.378129
I1948 | .3873289 .8108702 0.48 0.633 -1.203041 1.977698
I1949 | -.0806064 .7207926 -0.11 0.911 -1.494306 1.333093
I1950 | .0444851 .7051097 0.06 0.950 -1.338455 1.427425
I1951 | .0476566 .9115992 0.05 0.958 -1.740274 1.835587
I1952 | -.5168174 .8303635 -0.62 0.534 -2.145419 1.111784
I1953 | -1.399235 .8577277 -1.63 0.103 -3.081506 .283037
I1954 | .2770551 .9313479 0.30 0.766 -1.549609 2.103719
I1955 | .8836312 .8897173 0.99 0.321 -.861382 2.628644
I1956 | 1.517669 1.018799 1.49 0.136 -.4805141 3.515853
I1957 | 2.300266 1.016131 2.26 0.024 .3073154 4.293216
I1958 | 2.858782 1.074015 2.66 0.008 .7523023 4.965261
I1959 | 4.254199 1.127633 3.77 0.000 2.042558 6.46584
I1960 | 4.22015 1.221957 3.45 0.001 1.82351 6.616789
I1961 | 3.86647 1.477515 2.62 0.009 .9686016 6.764339
I1962 | 4.990398 1.16422 4.29 0.000 2.706999 7.273797
I1963 | 4.390182 1.066651 4.12 0.000 2.298147 6.482217
I1964 | 3.146871 .984423 3.20 0.001 1.216111 5.077632
I1965 | 3.551206 .9706773 3.66 0.000 1.647405 5.455007
I1966 | 3.329448 .9370527 3.55 0.000 1.491595 5.1673
I1967 | 3.273766 1.006823 3.25 0.001 1.299072 5.248459
I1968 | 4.09358 .9098564 4.50 0.000 2.309068 5.878092
I1969 | 3.144828 1.013811 3.10 0.002 1.156428 5.133227
male | 1.939975 .0275946 70.30 0.000 1.885853 1.994096
han_ethn | .1394096 .055681 2.50 0.012 .0302018 .2486174
_cons | 5.209187 .0551155 94.51 0.000 5.101089 5.317286
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
region1990 | 1762 1762 0 *|
prov#year_birth | 754 0 754 |
year_birth#c.primary_base_older | 29 0 29 ?|
year_birth#c.junior_base_older | 29 0 29 ?|
? = number of redundant parameters may be higher
* = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation
coefplot, baselevels ///
keep(I19*) ///
vertical ///转置图形
coeflabels(I1946=1946 I1947=1947 I1948=1948 I1949=1949 I1950=1950 ///
I1951=1951 I1952=1952 I1953=1953 I1954=1954 I1955=1955 I1956=1956 ///
I1957=1957 I1958=1958 I1959=1959 I1960=1960 I1961=1961 I1962=1962 ///
I1963=1963 I1964=1964 I1965=1965 I1966=1966 I1967=1967 I1968=1968 ///
I1969=1969) ///
yline(0,lwidth(vthin) lpattern(solid) lcolor(teal)) ///
xline(10,lwidth(vthin) lpattern(solid) lcolor(teal)) ///
ylabel(-4(2)8,labsize(*0.85) angle(0)) xlabel(,labsize(*0.75) angle(45)) ///
ytitle("Coefficients") ///
xtitle("Birth cohort") ///
msymbol(O) msize(small) mcolor(gs1) ///plot样式
addplot(line @b @at,lcolor(gs1) lwidth(medthick)) ///增加点之间的连线
ciopts(recast(rline) lwidth(thin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(gs2)) ///置信区间样式
graphregion(color(white)) //白底